With roots in the holistic practices of many ancient cultures including Egyptian, Chinese and Vietnamese, reflexology is a relaxing and rejuvenating wellness treatment that uses specialized compression techniques applied to reflex points on the feet, hands, ears and face. These points relate to certain parts, organs or glands of the body via the nerve pathways they are connected to which when stimulated, trigger that part of the body and help restore balance, reduce stress, relieve tension and promote self healing.
Modern reflexology, as it's practiced today in North America, was developed by Dr. William Fitzgerald in the early 1900's in which he observed that applying pressure to specific zones on the feet relieved his patient's pain and often the underlying health issue. He worked closely with Dr. Joseph Riley to develop "Zone Therapy" which was further expanded on by the work of Physiotherapist Eunice Ingham in the 1930's by plotting out the reflexes and creating the foot map used today.
Similar in relaxation and enjoyment to a foot massage, reflexology differs in the techniques used and is a gentle, non-invasive treatment that moves far beyond the feet to help improve the health of the whole body, naturally. Unlike other medical treatments which can have many unpleasant side effects, reflexology can do no harm. When used consistently, it is an excellent holistic treatment to help maintain your health.
Reflexology is not a medical treatment and does not treat, diagnose or prescribe for a specific disease but does aid your body in it's capacity to self heal. Once we understand that most "dis-ease" is caused by stress, appreciating the benefits of reflexology in helping manage physical, emotional and mental health becomes clear.
Benefits include;
Improves digestion / irritable bowel, constipation, may include Crohn's & Colitis
Balances the hormonal system / PMS, reproductive issues, sleeping problems, may include infertility, anxiety & depression
Unblocks congestion & energy pathways / headaches & migraines, cold & sinus, brain fog, low energy, fatigue
Improves circulation, blood flow & increases oxygen from the lungs / high blood pressure, sluggishness, may include diabetes
Stimulates the immune & lymphatic (detox) system to aid in self healing / sickness, injury, may include auto-immune disease, Cancer
Helps relieve pain and nerve impulses / back pain, neck stiffness, muscle tension, sciatica, nerve injury, may included Chronic Pain
Flushes the body and removes wastes / may include bladder infections, fluid retention from pregnancy, lymphedema
Improves muscle tone / immobility, weakness from age
Modern reflexology, as it's practiced today in North America, was developed by Dr. William Fitzgerald in the early 1900's in which he observed that applying pressure to specific zones on the feet relieved his patient's pain and often the underlying health issue. He worked closely with Dr. Joseph Riley to develop "Zone Therapy" which was further expanded on by the work of Physiotherapist Eunice Ingham in the 1930's by plotting out the reflexes and creating the foot map used today.
Similar in relaxation and enjoyment to a foot massage, reflexology differs in the techniques used and is a gentle, non-invasive treatment that moves far beyond the feet to help improve the health of the whole body, naturally. Unlike other medical treatments which can have many unpleasant side effects, reflexology can do no harm. When used consistently, it is an excellent holistic treatment to help maintain your health.
Reflexology is not a medical treatment and does not treat, diagnose or prescribe for a specific disease but does aid your body in it's capacity to self heal. Once we understand that most "dis-ease" is caused by stress, appreciating the benefits of reflexology in helping manage physical, emotional and mental health becomes clear.
Benefits include;
Improves digestion / irritable bowel, constipation, may include Crohn's & Colitis
Balances the hormonal system / PMS, reproductive issues, sleeping problems, may include infertility, anxiety & depression
Unblocks congestion & energy pathways / headaches & migraines, cold & sinus, brain fog, low energy, fatigue
Improves circulation, blood flow & increases oxygen from the lungs / high blood pressure, sluggishness, may include diabetes
Stimulates the immune & lymphatic (detox) system to aid in self healing / sickness, injury, may include auto-immune disease, Cancer
Helps relieve pain and nerve impulses / back pain, neck stiffness, muscle tension, sciatica, nerve injury, may included Chronic Pain
Flushes the body and removes wastes / may include bladder infections, fluid retention from pregnancy, lymphedema
Improves muscle tone / immobility, weakness from age